Power of Attorney

What is a Power of Attorney?

A Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal document that allows one person (the principal) to grant authority to another person (the agent or attorney-in-fact) to act on their behalf in specific matters or situations. The agent can make decisions, manage assets, or perform tasks as specified in the document. The scope of authority granted depends on the type of POA created.

Types of Power of Attorney

  1. General Power of Attorney
    Grants broad powers to the agent to manage the principal’s affairs, including financial and legal matters. It is typically used when the principal cannot act for themselves due to absence or incapacity.

  2. Special or Limited Power of Attorney
    Authorizes the agent to perform a specific task or manage a particular area, such as selling property or managing a bank account.

  3. Durable Power of Attorney
    Remains in effect even if the principal becomes incapacitated. It is commonly used for long-term planning and health care decisions.

  4. Non-Durable Power of Attorney
    Only effective for a specific time or task and becomes void if the principal becomes incapacitated.

  5. Springing Power of Attorney
    Comes into effect only when a specific event occurs, such as the principal’s incapacity.

Common Uses of a Power of Attorney

  • Financial Management: Handling bank accounts, paying bills, filing taxes, or managing investments.
  • Healthcare Decisions: Making medical decisions when the principal cannot.
  • Business Transactions: Representing the principal in business dealings.
  • Real Estate Transactions: Buying, selling, or managing property.

Key Points to Consider

  • The principal must be mentally competent at the time of creating a POA.
  • The POA can be revoked by the principal at any time, as long as they are mentally competent.
  • It is essential to select a trustworthy and capable agent, as they have a significant level of authority.

Creating a POA often involves consulting with an attorney to ensure it meets legal requirements and accurately reflects the principal’s wishes.


(General – Power of Attorney)
